Corporate ID/Logo Design

As trained designers, our first love is (and always will be) graphic design. When it comes to your corporate identity, that passion gets refined into simple, elegant solutions that last. After all, you’re going to be living with your corporate identity for a long, long time, so it had better be timeless and it had better be good.

What does my company represent? Which colors should be most prominent? What font should we use? What should our overall tone be? These are just a few of the questions that should be considered when creating an identity for your company. Crush has helped scores of companies answer these and more, assisting in the creating or re-creating of their identity, both large and small. We can be the driver of the new face of your company. We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability…better, stronger, faster.

A company’s logo is often the first and quite lasting impression that a consumer takes with them. Just for a moment think of some of the most prominent brands of all time and what their logo is. Apple’s ubiquitous fruit with a bite missing; Nike’s swoosh, Android’s alien, the Rolling Stones’ lips and tongue, the golden arches of McDonalds. These are just a few examples, but the point is this: it is very important to have a visual representation of your brands that can be instantly identified and consistently conveyed. These are hallmarks of great branding and Crush can help you achieve them.

Take a look at our portfolio section for a better understanding of the work we have done over the years and to get a sense of the possibilities for your business. Let Crush be the creative force behind your brand. Let us do what we love for your business. You will be more than satisfied with the results. Click here to get started.

The Company We Keep

logo yourlogohere
logo visa
logo sony
logo silversea
logo schneiderpr
logo ritzcarlton
logo msmc
logo mastercard
logo hertz
logo fpl
logo ford
logo dell
logo costco
logo churchs
logo balharbourshops
logo att
logo ambassador
logo aiwa